CASE: A DevExpress Aspxbutton, when has a ICON (image url) and a format on page and the page theme is defined on codebehind, the aspxbutton gets, strangly, too big!
TEST: 4 buttons, trying all possibilities (with/without icon X with autoformat/no autoformat)
this page has a theme defined on coebehind (plastic blue)
It means that you cannot create a page with a devexpresstheme (such as Plastic Blue, used in this sample), set a different autoformat to aspxbutton AND set an image as icon (aspxbutton's image url property).
Download the solution on 4shared.
Assembly="DevExpress.Web.v9.3, Version=
UPDATED (2011, March 18): It's fixed by DevExpress new version!
I just downloaded DevExpress Themes's files and it's ok now! See:
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